Where to shop ethically in Siem Reap

When travelling through South East Asia, it can always be difficult to know where the souvenirs you purchase are made, and by whom. There is more of a shift nowadays towards ethical and responsible purchases, where both the maker and the consumer benefit. If you are travelling to Siem Reap, we have a few suggestions on where you can shop ethically. An added bonus is that you can purchase handmade products made by the sewing graduates from our program partner, Human and Hope Association, at all these wonderful shops!
Phare, the Cambodian Circus – Phare is a social enterprise that puts on nightly performances with live music, circus and often painting. The energy of the performances is incredible, with the circus performers having studied at Phare Ponleu Selpak, a performing arts school in Battambang. Their boutique store has an incredible range of ethically made products, and feature art from the graduates of the Visual and Applied Arts School at Phare Ponleu Selpak, liquor from Sombai and wooden carvings from Artisans d’Angkor. You can also pick up some Phare branded t-shirts, water bottles and music after you see the awe-inspiring show.
Peace Café – This vegetarian restaurant along the peaceful river in Siem Reap has a dedicated fair trade shop. Here you can buy items such as books, cards, potter, children’s paintings, scarfs, clothing, skin care products and foods from organisations. By purchasing from the organisations who make these products, you are providing an income to the makers and also supporting the organisations with the profits.
Very Berry – Located in a cute little alley in Siem Reap town, Very Berry sells a varied range of products from local organisations and also the owner. Here you can find bamboo baskets, jams, hand-woven scarfs, coconut-oil based skin products and knitted toys. Very Berry runs on the concept of ‘natural and ethical’, so you definitely won’t be disappointed when visiting!
If this post has inspired you to visit Cambodia, be sure to check out our Purpose and Philanthropy Field Trip to Siem Reap!