Four Socially-Responsible Activities in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Have some spare time in Siem Reap? Here are four socially-responsible activities you can partake in when you visit!
Phare Circus
Phare is a social enterprise that incorporates theatre, music, dance and modern circus to tell unique Cambodian stories. The artists have been trained at an NGO in Battambang, and have moved out of poverty, gaining self-respect and freedom.
Khmer Ceramics
Khmer Ceramics & Fine Arts Centre is a social enterprise founded in 2006. 100% of the profits are reinvested for training, the ongoing development of the project, research and preservation of local art and culture and to create employment and other economic and social benefits for the local community.
Rokhak Women's Handicrafts
Experience first hand how water hyacinth is weaved into eye catching products. You will make your own basket, learning from a local weaver who is confident in the art.
This social enterprise is Cambodian-run.
Banteay Srey Butterfly Centre
This destination features a live display of Cambodian butterflies. Revenue generated by tourist admissions provides support for local poverty alleviation and conservation project.
The centre is a 40-minute tuk-tuk ride from the hotel and entry is USD$5.